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The longitudinal creep on a crane wheel has considerable effects, both for the design and the control of the drive technology of a modern crane. The creep values occurring during operation are, however, widely unknown. This article presents a calculation model for longitudinal creep of a driven crane wheel, which can be used for a fast analytical determination. Based on the contact area between the crane wheel and the rail, instead of the complex real point contact situation an equivalent line contact is calculated. The approach was validated at the Institute's wheel-rail test rig.
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Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
Georg Havlicek
Project Assistant
Vienna University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical and Indust rial
Institute for Engineering Design and
Logistics Engineering
Stefan Krenn
Excellence Centre of Tribology
AC²T research GmbH
Georg Kartnig
Vienna University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical and Indust rial
Institute for Engineering Design and
Logistics Engineering
Determination of the longitudinal
creep of a driven crane wheel on a
crowned rail
The longitudinal creep on a crane wheel has considerable effects, both for
the design and the control of the drive technology of a modern crane. The
creep occurring during operation is
, however, widely unknown. This
article presents a calculation model for
longitudinal creep of a driven
crane wheel, which can be used for a fast analytical determination. Based
on the contact area between the crane wheel and the rail an equivalent
line contact is calculated
instead of the complex real point contact
situation. The approach was validated at the institute's wheel-rail test rig .
Keywords: Longitudinal creep, crane wheel, rail-wheel-contact, analytic
method, running-in characteristic
Currently applicable standards for crane design
(DIN EN 13001 and sub- standards [1]) consider only rail
geometries with flat heads at the contact between crane
wheel and rail. Nowadays, crowned rails are used almost
exclusively. As a result of the wear-specific run-in
behavior, a change in the rail head profile occurs with
increasing operating time (overrun cycles). This also
results in a change of the initially ideal elliptical contact
surface to an approximate line contact geometry, but not
over the entire width of the railhead.
For this reason, a research project was launched in
2014 at the Department of Transport, Handling and
Conveying Systems (KLFT) in cooperation with Hans
Künz GmbH, which aims at transferring existing
approaches of the static and structural design for the flat
rail head to the general case of a cambered rail. The
effects of the modified rail geometry on relevant system
parameters, e.g. contact pressure, rolling friction,
skewing forces, longitudinal creep, adhesion and wear of
wheel and rail are to be investigated. Furthermore, the
characteristics of the run-in behavior of the rail head due
to plastic deformation are considered in the context of the
In 2016 the Excellence Center of Tribology (AC²T)
was included in the project to achieve a better
understanding of the tribological aspects with in the
contact surface.
In this publication, the longitudinal (tangential) slip
between a driven or braked crane wheel and a cambered
rail is to be described in more detail.
For various reasons it is necessary to know the
occurring slip:
• The maximum transferable braking and driving
force depends on the slip ratio (i.e. traction).
• The utilization of the coefficient of static friction
is associated with higher slip ratios and higher
• Different wheel loads on the individual wheels
result in different slip ratios. Production
tolerances on the wheel diameters also result in
different circumferential forces on the wheels and
thus deviating slip values. The crane clamps or
distorts itself according to different wheel speeds.
However, actual slip values at the crane wheel during
operation are widely unknown. Therefore an application-
oriented and quick-to- calculate analytical approach for
the longitudinal slip of current cranes is desirable.
When considering slippage a fundamental distinction
between micro- slip (creep) and macro-slip (sliding)
needs to be done. In the case of creep, the contact surface
is subdivided into a stick zone with the same speed and a
slip zone with a relative speed between the contact
partners. The coefficient of static friction is the limiting
factor for the tangential force that can be transmitted. If
the slippage becomes larger, the stick zone disappears
and the slip zone extends over the entire contact surface.
From this point on there is pure sliding (macro-slip), and
the coefficient of sliding friction is decisive (see Figure
1). On a driven or braked wheel, macro - slip corresponds
to wheelspin, which in principle is to be avoided in crane
construction. All slip curves considered in this work
concern the micro-slip region.
Figure 1. Traction-creep-relation (qualitative)
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Havlicek
Technische Universität Wien
9/301-7 , 1060 Vienna, Austria
-mail: georg. havlicek @ tuwien.ac.at
Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
©FME Belgrade 2017. All rights reserved
The following calculation approaches are only
described with respect to the tangential slip ratio. Axial
slip and spin (rotation around the ve rtical axis) are not
considered in this work, as far as the calculation methods
are concerned. Furthermore, a contact geometry between
a crane wheel and a crane rail according to DIN 536 has
been given [2].
The tangential slip is generally defined as a related
velocity difference between the circumferential speed of
the wheel and the absolute velocity.
2.1 Calculation approach for line contact according
to Carter
For the slip-bearing contact of a cylinder with a plane,
relationships for longitudinal creep were derived by F.W.
Carter [3] as early as 1926. T hese were again completely
elaborated by G. Heinrich and K. Desoyer [4] and
extended to incorporate lateral slip effects.
The following relationship for the longitudinal creep
is obtained as a function of the contact force FR , the
circumferential force at the wheel FT , the wheel radius R ,
the contact width in the contact bK , the coefficient of
static friction μ 0 and material constants G and ν . [4]
F μ
Figure 2 shows the contact area as well as the shear
stress distribution in the contact surface between the
rolling cylinder and the plane under radial load and
transmission of a torque.
Figure 2. Contact between cylinder and plane
Figure 3. Distribution of shear stress and division in slip
and stick zone in contact
Along the contact length lK , the division into the slip
and stick zone as well as the shear stress distribution as
shown in Figure 3 are obtained.
The last term of Equation (2) corresponds to the
proportion of the stick zone over the entire contact length
and is a determining parameter for the creep.
The relationship between the contact length and the
contact width for a line contact according to Hertz is
included in Equation (2).
Thus, the formula can be rewritten to use the length
instead of the width of the contact surface. Along this
length the division into stick and slip zone is also
F μ
The correctness of the approach was confirmed by J.J.
Kalker amongst others using numerical methods [5].
For the contact between a crane wheel and a flat rail
head, Equations (2) or (5) can be used right away. Certain
deviations to the real contact situation between the wheel
and the rail are to be expected since the approach does
not take any edge effects at the boundary surfaces of the
cylinder into account .
2.2 Calculation approaches for point contact
Approaches for calculating the slip conditions at point
contact, as occurs with a cambered rail head, are not
trivially solved . The transmitted tangential force is not
constant over the width of the contact surface (here the
long semi-axis of the contact ellipse). The distribution of
the shear stress and the separation in the slip and stick
zone of the contact surface is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Shear stress distribution at point contact
Strip theory by Haines and Ollerton
The strip theory is a pure analytical calculation
method, in which the elliptical contact surface is divided
into thin strips parallel to the rolling direction and then
integrated. Each individual strip is treated as a line
contact, but any influence of the strips on each other is
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Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
neglected. The approach of B.J. Haines and E. Ollerton
for pure tangential creep was elaborated by J.J. Kalker
and later developed further in order to be able to take
transverse creep and a small proportion of spin into
account [6, 7, 8]. Figure 5 shows the discretization of the
contact surface and the shear stress distribution in the
Figure 5 . Strip theory according to Haines and Ollerton
The relationship between tangential force and creep
is defined by:
( )
cos ζζ
μ F
with the factor ζ as a function of the slip ξ T and the
Hertzian pressure p 0 in the contact.
The results of this calculation method correspond
very well with experimental results and numerical
methods for slender contact areas (half-axis ratio
a/b ≈ 0.2). If, however, the contact surfaces deviate
severely from this shape, the errors become large due to
the lack of influence of the strips on each other [7].
The theory was not pursued further after the
development of the simplified theory of Kalker in favor
of the more exact numerical calculation.
Numerical methods according to Kalker
Calculation models of the exact and simplified theory
developed by Kalker can only be solved numerically.
They are implemented in the contact models of the
programs CONTACT (exact) and FASTSIM
(simplified). Both models divide the contact area into
rectangular parts, which must be balanced in relation to
the stress state over the entire contact surface. The exact
Kalker theory provides accurate results. At pure
tangential stress on the contact the simplified theory
deviates by up to 5% [9].
For more information on the numerical methods
according to Kalker, see [5] and [10].
Linear method according to Kalker
This theory uses the numerically determined Kalker
coefficients for the relation between slip and tangential
stress. These are defined in tabular form as a function of
the half- axis lengths of the contact ellipse and the Poisson
ratio. Interpolations are necessary for intermediate
values. The linear theory is applicable only for very small
slip values since the existence of a slip zone is neglected
in this approach. It represents the slope of the linear
branch of the creep curve from the origin. Larger slip
values caused by the influence of the increasing slip zone
are not reproduced correctly. The deviation of the linear
theory from the real creep curve is shown qualitatively in
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Discrepancy linear theory and real creep curve
According to Kalker's linear theory the dependence
of the tangential force on the longitudinal creep is defined
via the following relation:
For the pure ly tangential contact problems, only the
Kalker coefficient C11 is required. (For values see [5].)
The actual contact geometry between the crane wheel
and the rail does not correspond to an ideal point contact
after a short operating time of the crane system. Due to
plastic deformation, the curvature of the rail head
changes until the stresses inside the rail no longer exceed
the yield point.
Imprints recorded using pressure measuring films
already show run-in behavior on a new crane during the
commissioning phase, which leads to a leveling of the rail
head. Due to the limited measuring range of the Fujifilm
Prescale films, the occuring contact pressures cannot be
evaluated, but they provide very good information about
the shape of the contact surface. Figure 7 shows the
measuring film on the crane rail after loading by the crane
wheel. Figure 8 shows the resulting imprint on the film.
Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
©FME Belgrade 2017. All rights reserved
In addition, the calculated contact ellipse of an ideal point
contact is superimposed. Since the crane has was moved
across the film, the exact contour of the contact area is
not visible, but the contact width is significantly greater
than the result according to Hertz's theory.
Figure 7. Fujifilm pressure measurement film on crane rail
Figure 8. Imprint of the contact surface and theoretical
contact ellipse
The contact width stabilizes after a certain time, so
that even in the case of cranes that have been in operation
for years, the contact surface does not extend over the full
width of the rail. As an example of this a photograph of a
crane rail after approximately seven years of operation is
shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Run-in crane rail
Similar running-in behavior also takes place at the
test rig at the Institute for Engineering Design and
Logistics Engineering at the Vienna University of
Technology described in more detail in S ection 4. After
approximately twenty operating hours with maximum
wheel load the camber of the rail-wheel is flattened to a
permanent geometry. Figure 10, taken at a load of 50 kN,
compares a recorded imprint to the theoretical contact
ellipse according to Hertz.
Figure 10. Run- in contact area (dimensions in mm)
For the calculation of the creep ratios for such real
contact surfaces, the following approach uses the method
for line contact according to Carter as well as Heinrich
and Desoyer. This is adapted in such a way that a
fictitious linear contact is calculated in which the average
tangential stress in the contact surface coincides with the
actual contact situation.
For pure tangential slippage the length in the direction
of movement (lreal ) has been identified as a determinant
measure for the size of the contact surface. If the width
of the fictitious contact surface is calculated according to
the Hertzian theory for line contact as a function of the
contact force and this contact length, the same surface
areas as in the case of the real contact surfaces are
obtained. Figure 11 shows two imprints, on the right a
run-in rail, on the left in a new condition. The rectangle
drawn corresponds to the fictitious contact surface used
for slip calculation.
Figure 11. Dimensions of the contact areas (left: new, right:
This correspondence of the surface areas was only
checked for the field of application and the geometries of
crane wheels and rails. In the case of strongly divergent
forms of the contact surfaces, the validity of this
relationship would have to first be verified.
The essential procedure for determining the slip of a
wheel according to this method is as follows:
When considering a new crane, or assuming that the
wheel loads are sufficiently low to prevent plastic
deformation, the required contact length lreal can be
determined by the Hertzian theory. The half-axis length
of the contact ellipse in the direction of motion can be
used as a good approximation for the contact length.
If the slip on a run-in crane system is to be calculated,
a determination of the real contact area is necessary. How
and to which geometry a crane rail runs in is part of the
investigations at the Vienna University of Technology,
but the contact surface cannot yet be estimated after
plastic deformation. A measurement by means of
pressure measurement films represents a simple and
favorable solution. The crane wheel to be evaluated is
lifted by means of hydraulics and put back on the rail
after the film has been placed. After two minutes of
exposure, the film is removed again and the impression
can be measured directly. Figure 12 shows an imprint on
a Fujifilm Prescale film.
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Figure 12. Fujifilm Prescale pressure measurement film
with imprint
After determining the contact length lreal , the creep
curve can be computed without difficulty with Equation
(5) from Section 2.1 :
F μ
Additionally required factors for the calculation are
the radius of the wheel R , the coefficient of static friction
between wheel and rail μ 0 (according to DIN 13001-3- 3
in the range of 0.1 to 0.3), the wheel load FR , and the
tangential force FT to be transmitted. A requirement for
the validity of the approach are identical elastic
properties of the wheel and rail materials (modulus of
elasticity and Poisson's ratio).
The division of the contact surface into the slip and
stick zone, which is decisive for the slip, is determined
on the basis of the contact length used, and is assumed to
be constant for the entire contact width.
For a common configuration of a portal crane in the
new state, the creep curves shown in Figure 13 result
from this approach.
Contact details:
Radius of the crane wheel R = 315 mm
Radius of the railhead RS = 500 mm
Coefficient of static friction μ 0 = 0.3
Radial forces (wheel loads) FR = 25, 50, 75 and 100 kN
Tangential forces FT = 0 to 10,000 N
The dimensions of the real contact surface in this case
are calculated using the Hertzian theory for two generally
curved bodies (see [11]).
Figure 13. Creep over tangential force at various wheel
The adhesion limit is reached with the assumed
coefficient of static friction of μ 0 = 0.3 and a wheel load
of 25 kN at FT = 7500 N. The creep values go to infinity
with a tangential force FT > μ 0 FR . The real elliptical and
the fictitious rectangular contact areas were calculated
for comparison and plotted in Table 1.
Table 1 . Dimensions of the contact areas
area elliptic
25 kN 7 mm 52 mm² 52.1 mm² +0. 4%
50 kN 8.8 mm 8 2.5 mm² 82.8 mm² + 0.4%
75 kN 10.1 mm 108 mm² 108.5 mm² + 0.4%
100 kN 11.1 mm 130.9 mm² 131.4mm² +0.4%
The results of this simplified analytical calculation
approach are to be validated in the following section with
measurements on a wheel-rail test stand.
In order to examine the running behavior of crane
wheels on a cambered rail, a test stand was developed and
built in cooperation with Künz. Test stands of this type
were already used in the 1970s and 80s to research the
flat rail head. The wheel-rail test rig at the KLFT (Figure
14) consists of a rail bent to a circular ring (rail- wheel)
and a crane wheel. Both wheels can be independently
driven and braked. The contact force of the wheel can be
specified via hydraulic cylinders. On both drive units
there are incremental encoders to detect the exact
position of the wheels. The rail-wheel has a diameter of
2000 mm and a head shape corresponding to a rail o f the
form A55 according to DIN 536, while the crane wheel
has a diameter of 400 mm.
Figure 14. Wheel- rail test stand at KLFT, TU Wien
In the case of slip measurements, the crane wheel is
driven without power limitation, and the rail-wheel
brakes with a defined torque. After precise determination
of the diameter ratio, the rotational angle difference
between the wheel and the rail is used to calculate the
creep values after a defined number of revolutions.
Beforehand, the contact area is determined using Fujifilm
pressure measuring films for each load step.
02000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Creep (%)
Tangential force (N)
25 kN 50 kN 75 kN 100 kN
Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
©FME Belgrade 2017. All rights reserved
The measurements were carried out at various
conditions of the rail as well as at various friction values.
In order to influence the coefficient of friction between
the wheel and the rail, conditioning agents, also in
combination with water, were applied to the rail surface.
Since a flattening of the rail head radius occurs on the test
stand, in the same way as for a real crane rail,
measurement runs were carried out in the run-in state
first. After completion of the measurements in the run-in,
realistic state, the rail-wheel was re-profiled and the rail
geometry corresponding to the new state was restored. In
this state a real point contact with an elliptical contact
surface can be measured at low radial forces. These
measurements were used in order to be able to validate
the analytical approach also with this contact geometry.
2.3 Measurements in the run-in state
The measurements were carried out at wheel loads
(radial forces) of 25 to 100 kN. At each force, the braking
torque was varied between 250 and 1750 Nm, which
corresponds to a tangential force in the contact area of
1250 to 8750 N. For all combinations of tangential force
and wheel load, at least three valid measuring points were
recorded and averaged.
The evaluation of the contact areas shows that the
contact width increases only slightly in the run-in state.
The radius of curvature has flattened in the center of the
head of the rail, so the actual contact ellipse is no longer
recognisable. Figure 15 shows the contact surfaces for
the radial forces of 25 to 100 kN. The fictitious
rectangular contact surfaces of the analytical approach
are already drawn.
Figure 15. Contact areas on test stand at 25 to 100 kN
wheel load (dimensions in mm)
After analyzing the pressure measuring films in the
program GODAV the surface areas of the real and
fictitious contact surfaces can be compared.
Table 2. Dimensions of the contact areas on the test stand
contact area Deviation
25 kN 4.5 mm 52.5 mm² 51.3 mm² - 2.2%
50 kN 6 mm 86 mm² 77 mm² - 10.4%
75 kN 7 mm 108 mm² 99 mm² - 8.3%
100 kN 7.5 mm 127 mm² 123.2 mm² -3.0%
Figure 16 compares the results of the measurements
in the run-in, dr y, unconditioned state with the analytical
approach. The drawn creep values were averaged from
five measurement runs.
Figure 16. Creep over tangential force, measurement and
analytical approach (dry, run- in state)
The slip curves end at the maximum torque that can
be applied via the rail wheel drive. The coefficient of
static friction between wheel and rail was determined as
μ0 ≈ 0.4 in previous measurements. It exhibits very good
agreement between measured and analytically calculated
creep values.
The dependence of the creep curves on the coefficient
of friction between wheel and rail is shown in Figure 17
where the results in the conditioned state are plotted.
With the aid of solid lubricants, the coefficient of
static friction was reduced from μ 0 ≈ 0.4 to μ 0 ≈ 0.23 and
in further measurements to μ 0 ≈ 0.1. Again, one can see
the very good compliance between analytically
calculated and measured slippage.
For a contact force of 25 kN, the measured curves of
the creep for the different friction values are drawn. For
the two lower friction values, the maximum transmittable
force of FT = μ 0 ∙ FR is reached. When the maximum
tangential force is approached, the measured slip
becomes infinite and can no longer be determined with
the available measuring equipment. At this point, the
transition from creep to sliding occurs.
Figure 17. Creep over tangential force, measurement and
analytical approach at 25 kN (conditioned, run- in state)
02000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Creep (%)
Tangential force (N)
Measurement 25 kN Analytic 25 kN
Measurement 50 kN Analytic 50 kN
Measurement 75 kN Analytic 75 kN
Measurement 100 kN Analytic 100 kN
02000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Creep (%)
Tangential force (N)
Measurement µ≈0,4 Analytic µ≈0,4
Measurement µ≈0,23 Analytic µ≈0,23
Measurement µ≈0,1 Analytic µ≈0,1
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Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
2.4 Measurements in new condition
The measurements with actual point contact were
carried out only at 25 and 50 kN radial force, since at
higher loads the plastic deformation in the rail material
leads to the running-i n of the geometry. Figure 18
compares the measured curve of the creep with the
calculation approach for a dry rail, and in Figure 19 the
corresponding contact areas are shown.
Figure 18. Creep over tangential force, measurement and
analytical approach (dry, new condition)
Figure 19. Contact areas on test bench at 25 and 50 kN
wheel load in new condition (dimensions in mm)
These measurements prove that the chosen approach
also provides good results for point -shaped contact
5. Summary and Outlook
The approach of Carter for line contact is successfully
applied to a point- shaped contact geometry. The
assumptions made, using an average tangential stress
over the surface, as well as a constant division in stick
and slip zone over the entire contact width, do not seem
to have any significant effect on the creep. Compared
with the measurements at the test rig, very good
agreement with the analytical calculation approach is
achieved both for various friction values as well as for
various contact geometries. In the case of a known
contact area, the creep curve can also be determined for
a run-in state in a fast manner without long computing
In further ongoing studies, the consistency of the slip
ratios at the fictitious and the real contact surface is
examined more precisely by means of finite element
methods. Due to the wider possibilities of variation of the
contact geometry in the FEM calculations, the validity
limits of the analytical approach can also be determined.
Significant parts of this work were funded by the
"Austrian COMET-Programme" (Project XTribology,
no. 849109) and were developed in collaboration with the
"Excellence Centre of Tribology" (AC²T research
[1] DIN EN 13001-3: Krane – Konstruktion allgemein
– Parts 3 -1 to 3-3.
[2] DIN 536-1: Kranschienen Form A.
[3] Carter, F.W. "On the action of a locomotive driving
wheel." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences. Vol. 112. No. 760. The Royal Society,
[4] Heinrich, G., and K. Desoyer. "Rollreibung mit
axialem Schub." Ingenieur-Archiv 36: 48-72, 1967.
[5] Kalker, J.J. Rolling contact phenomena. Springer,
Vienna, 2000.
[6] Haines, D.J., and E. Ollerton. "Contact stress
distributions on elliptical contact surfaces subjected
to radial and tangential forces." Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers 177: 95- 114,
[7] Kalker, J.J. "A Strip Theory for Rolling With Slip
and Spin. I.-IV." Koninklijke Nederlandse
Akademie van Wetenschappen-Proceedings Series
B-Physical Sciences 70: 10 -62, 1967.
[8] Johnson, K.L. Contact mechanics. Cambridge
University Press, 1987.
[9] Vollebregt, E.A.H., and P. Wilders. "FAST-SIM2:
a second-order accurate frictional rolling contact
algorithm." Computational Mechanics 47: 105- 116,
[10] Kalker, J.J. Three-dimensional elastic bodies in
rolling contact. Springer Science & Business
Media, 1990.
[11] Timoshenko, S., and J.N. Goodier. Theory of
Elasticity. McGraw-Hill book Company, Third
Edition, 1970.
Half- axis of the contact ellipse in the
direction of movement (half the contact
Proportion of the stick zone of the
contact length
Fictitious contact width for creep calculation
Contact width (width of the contact area)
Real (measured) contact width
Half length of the stick zone
02000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Creep (%)
Tangential force(N)
Measurement 25 kN Analytic 25 kN
Measurement 50 kN Analytic 50 kN
Proceedings of the XXII International Conference MHCL' 17
©FME Belgrade 2017. All rights reserved
Radial force (wheel load)
Tangential force (traction force)
Contact length (length of the contact area)
Real (measured) contact length
Factor for slip calculation
Coefficient of static friction
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
- P. Wilders
In this paper we consider the frictional (tangential) steady rolling contact problem. We confine ourselves to the simplified theory, instead of using full elastostatic theory, in order to be able to compute results fast, as needed for on-line application in vehicle system dynamics simulation packages. The FASTSIM algorithm is the leading technology in this field and is employed in all dominant railway vehicle system dynamics packages (VSD) in the world. The main contribution of this paper is a new version "FASTSIM2" of the FASTSIM algorithm, which is second-order accurate. This is relevant for VSD, because with the new algorithm 16 times less grid points are required for sufficiently accurate computations of the contact forces. The approach is based on new insights in the characteristics of the rolling contact problem when using the simplified theory, and on taking precise care of the contact conditions in the numerical integration scheme employed.
- J. J. Kalker
In this paper, we treat the rolling contact phenomena of linear elasticity, with special emphasis on the elastic half-space. Section 1 treats the basics; rolling is defined, the distance between the deformable bodies is calculated, the slip velocity between the bodies is defined and calculated; a very brief recapitulation of the theory of elasticity follows, and the boundary conditions are formulated. Section 2 treats the half-space approximation. The formulae of Boussinesq-Cerruti are given, and the concept of quasiidentity is introduced. Then follows a brief description of the linear theory of rolling contact for Hertzian contacts, with numerical results, and of the theory of Vermeulen-Johnson for steady-state rolling. Finally, some examples are given. Section 3 is devoted to the simplified theory of rolling contact. In Section 4, the variational, or weak theory of contact is considered. First, we set up the virtual work inequality, and it is shown that it is implied by the boundary conditions of contact. Then the complementary virtual work inequality is postulated, and it is shown that it implies the boundary conditions of contact. Elasticity is introduced into both inequalities, and the potential energy and the complementary energy follow. Finally, surface mechanical principles are derived. In Section 5, we return to the exact half-space theory. The problem is discretized, and solved by means of the CONTACT algorithm. Finally, results are shown in Section 6.
- K.L. Johnson
The thirteen chapters of this book are introduced by a preface and followed by five appendices. The main chapter headings are: motion and forces at a point of contact; line loading of an elastic half-space; point loading of an elastic half-space; normal contact of elastic solids - Hertz theory; non-Hertzian normal contact of elastic bodies; normal contact of inelastic solids; tangential loading and sliding contact; rolling contact of elastic bodies; rolling contact of inelastic bodies; calendering and lubrication; dynamic effects and impact; thermoelastic contact; and rough surfaces. (C.J.A.)
- D J Haines
- E Ollerton
The problem of Hertzian bodies in rolling contact and supporting radial and shearing forces in the rolling direction is considered. A modified form of the conventional photoelastic frozen stress technique has been used to study the particular case of flat elliptical contact surfaces. Existing theories are reviewed and new theories are presented which permit the analysis of the frozen stress results. The dependence of the measured stresses on the hysteresis of rolling is studied.
- G. Heinrich
- K. Desoyer
Das Problem des Schräglaufes eines elastischen Kreiszylinders auf der Oberfläche eines elastischen Halbraumes wird unter der Voraussetzung, daß das Coulomb'sche Reibungsgesetz für jedes Flächenelement des Berührgebietes gilt, im Rahmen der Elastizitätstheorie erster Ordnung untersucht. Nach Herleitung der dieses Problem beherrschenden nichtlinearen singulären Integralgleichungen werden für gleiche Materialkonstanten der beiden Körper Methoden entwickelt, die eine numerische Lösung ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse sind in Schaubildern dargestellt, die die gesamte Lösungsmannigfaltigkeit für die spezielle Querzahl v = 0,3 (Stahl auf Stahl) umfassen.
- J. J. Kalker
1 The Rolling Contact Problem.- 2 Review.- 3 The Simplified Theory of Contact.- 4 Variational and Numerical Theory of Contact.- 5 Results.- 6 Conclusion.- Appendix A The basic equations of the linear theory of elasticity.- Appendix B Some notions of mathematical programming.- Appendix C Numerical calculation of the elastic field in a half-space.- Appendix D Three-dimensional viscoelastic bodies in steady state frictional rolling contact with generalisation to contact perturbations.- Appendix E Tables.
Posted by: bellamelae0209399.blogspot.com
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321665947_Determining_the_longitudinal_creep_of_a_driven_crane_wheel_on_a_crowned_rail
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